Monday, September 28, 2009

Still having e-mail trouble...

All is well here. We got a rental car today and took it for a spin...oh my! The boys start school tomorrow morning. I'll post pictures. We're still not getting a consistent internet connection and my e-mail is still not sending :-( I am getting yours. I just can't reply.

Oh...Szemi and Simon arrived today! We're now a complete family. Everyone was so happy to all be together again.

Gotta zip...I'll lose this if the connection is lost!

Miss you all!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pelau Ketam pics

We're here!

We haven't had consistent internet access since we got here. I have e-mails building up in my in and out box. For some reason I can receive e-mail, but not send. In fact, I have to hurry this along because our signal comes and goes in a matter of minutes. I'll try to give you the highlights of our first five days. It's been crazy, but not as crazy as traveling solo with B&R for 24 hours! That was exhausting!

The day after we got here we took a boat taxi to an island appropriately named Crab Island. There were crabs in every size, shape, and color imaginable. The boys loved watching them crawl around. All the homes on the island are on stilts for when the tide comes in. It was a bit scary with our boys walking along rickety wooden elevated 'sidewalks' with no rails and 10-30 foot drop-offs on both sides. After a few hours of touring we took another boat to a floating fish farm to let the little ones fish. I can't believe we all hung in there as well as we did with jet lag, but the adventure kept us moving. The picture of Ridge asleep in his carseat in the shopping cart was just after this trip!

In the few days since, we've been trying to orient ourselves to our new home and neighborhood. Our neighbors are incredible! They've all welcomed us, invited us over, and one even offered us their car! Of course we declined since the thought of driving a borrowed car on our first-ever try at driving on the left hand side of the road would not be the nice thing to do. It's Hari Raya here so everyone is celebrating and many of our neighbors have had open houses to share desserts and tea. It's been the perfect time for us to move it.

Ok...I've rushed through this trying to finish it before I lose connection. Sorry it's so brief, but more later! Love and miss you all...especially Tanner!