Sunday, June 20, 2010

First few songs

Turn your computer...I can't figure out how to rotate the picture :-)

Kitty video

Where to pick up?

Hello to all - I'm not sure where to begin! Since our truck was stolen, it's been a whirlwind of events around here. I'll update you with bullets since it's the simplest.

1. Rachael came to help with the boys and work here :-)
2. Truck stolen, Szemi poisoned (but recovered and is well now) :-(
3. The day before our truck disappeared, our neighbor brought us a brand new baby kitten :-)
4. Baby kitten (Milo) needs fed a bottle every two hours and has a flesh eating fungus that can spread to other pets and people :-(
5. The end of her tail fell off due to the fungus, a toe is hanging, and nearly lost an ear :-(
6. We got our work permit!
7. Rental car broke down
8. Our wonderful landlord lent us his Mercedes :-)
9. It broke down twice :-(
10. We found a 'school' for Bennett! It's not a formal school, but even better for him...and me!
11. I got a car! It's a little SUV type-thing. Perfect for us.
12. Still waiting on insurance to settle so Mike can replace the truck.
14. Bennett has continued to ride at the stables even with the chaos of having no happy about that!
15. Both boys are in piano and love it.
16. I finished my job in Laos - home study done, baby in their home, and almost a US citizen. Such a great feeling.
17. I have two new clients in Singapore and Indonesia and possibly Thailand...very nice.
18. Mike and I have had time alone with our boys safely and comfortably at home with Rachael!
19. Our stuff is here!
20. We unpacked and set up in less that four days...last job is to hang pictures.

I'll leave off here. I'll try to be more faithful to my blog. I miss you all! Here are a few pics of some random events in our last two months starting with Miss Milo.